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Problème d'affichage HTML
Envoyé: 20 février 2005, 8h30 par Marc
J'ai un petit soucis avec les layers.
Le code suivant s'affiche correctement dans la fenetre de developpement de dreamweaver, mais sur le Web, celà ne fonctionne pas :
URL de test :
Auriez vous une idée ? Merci
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>Document sans titre</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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function MM_reloadPage(init) { //reloads the window if Nav4 resized
if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) {
document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }}
else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload();
<!-- <div style="position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:816; height:512; z-index:1;"></div> -->
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top: 0 ; z-index:8;"><img src="image/7.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer9" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 0 ; top: 52 ; z-index:9;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer10" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 52 ; top: 52 ; z-index:10;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer11" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 104 ; top: 52 ; z-index:11;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer12" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 156 ; top: 52 ; z-index:12;"><img src="image/3.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer13" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 208 ; top: 52 ; z-index:13;"><img src="image/1.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer14" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 260 ; top: 52 ; z-index:14;"><img src="image/1.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer15" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 312 ; top: 52 ; z-index:15;"><img src="image/1.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer16" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 364 ; top: 52 ; z-index:16;"><img src="image/7.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer17" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 0 ; top: 104 ; z-index:17;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer18" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 52 ; top: 104 ; z-index:18;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer19" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 104 ; top: 104 ; z-index:19;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><form action="index.php" method="post"><div id="Layer20" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 156 ; top: 104 ; z-index:20;"><input type="hidden" name="destination" value="3,4"><input type="image" src="image/11.png" alt="NO"></div></form><form action="index.php" method="post"><div id="Layer21" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 208 ; top: 104 ; z-index:21;"><input type="hidden" name="destination" value="3,5"><input type="image" src="image/1.png" alt="NO"></div></form><form action="index.php" method="post"><div id="Layer22" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 260 ; top: 104 ; z-index:22;"><input type="hidden" name="destination" value="3,6"><input type="image" src="image/1.png" alt="NO"></div></form><div id="Layer23" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 312 ; top: 104 ; z-index:23;"><img src="image/1.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer24" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 364 ; top: 104 ; z-index:24;"><img src="image/10.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer25" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 0 ; top: 156 ; z-index:25;"><img src="image/5.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer26" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 52 ; top: 156 ; z-index:26;"><img src="image/5.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer27" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 104 ; top: 156 ; z-index:27;"><img src="image/9.png" alt=""></div><form action="index.php" method="post"><div id="Layer28" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 156 ; top: 156 ; z-index:28;"><input type="hidden" name="destination" value="4,4"><input type="image" src="image/2.png" alt="NO"></div></form><div id="Layer29" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 208 ; top: 156 ; z-index:29;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><form action="index.php" method="post"><div id="Layer30" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 260 ; top: 156 ; z-index:30;"><input type="hidden" name="destination" value="4,6"><input type="image" src="image/2.png" alt="NO"></div></form><div id="Layer31" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 312 ; top: 156 ; z-index:31;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer32" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 364 ; top: 156 ; z-index:32;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer33" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 0 ; top: 208 ; z-index:33;"><img src="image/1.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer34" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 52 ; top: 208 ; z-index:34;"><img src="image/1.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer35" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 104 ; top: 208 ; z-index:35;"><img src="image/7.png" alt=""></div><form action="index.php" method="post"><div id="Layer36" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 156 ; top: 208 ; z-index:36;"><input type="hidden" name="destination" value="5,4"><input type="image" src="image/2.png" alt="NO"></div></form><form action="index.php" method="post"><div id="Layer37" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 208 ; top: 208 ; z-index:37;"><input type="hidden" name="destination" value="5,5"><input type="image" src="image/2.png" alt="NO"></div></form><form action="index.php" method="post"><form action="index.php" method="post"><div id="Layer38" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 260 ; top: 208 ; z-index:38;"><input type="hidden" name="destination" value="5,6"><input type="image" src="image/2.png" alt="NO"></div></form><div id="Layer39" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 312 ; top: 208 ; z-index:39;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer40" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 364 ; top: 208 ; z-index:40;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer41" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 0 ; top: 260 ; z-index:41;"><img src="image/1.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer42" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 52 ; top: 260 ; z-index:42;"><img src="image/1.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer43" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 104 ; top: 260 ; z-index:43;"><img src="image/7.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer44" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 156 ; top: 260 ; z-index:44;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer45" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 208 ; top: 260 ; z-index:45;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer46" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 260 ; top: 260 ; z-index:46;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer47" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 312 ; top: 260 ; z-index:47;"><img src="image/2.png" alt=""></div><div id="Layer48" style="position:absolute; width:52; height:52; left: 364 ; top: 260 ; 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