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meta-tags : problème de script ajouté
Envoyé: 9 novembre 2004, 15h01 par buiscuil
j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide pour réussir à poser des méta-tags valides... Je pense que mon script est valide :"
<code><<!-- This template originated from the following file:
C:\Program Files\CoffeeCup Software\templates\beginner\Personal_4_Cool\index.html
You may need to copy other HTML files and/or images
from that directory to the directory that you save this
file in for it to work properly -->
<title>Pascal Mege graduate student professional Site</title>
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Pascal Mege 's personal site for a PhD . The goal is to provide resume/cv and information to professionals on my carrier objectives, personnality and curriculum .">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Pascal, Mege, PhD, Ph.D., thesis, coral, reefs, genetics, resume, cv, DEA, personal, professional, graduate, student, website, webpage, indri, codakia, orbicularis, meloidogyne, martinique, guadeloupe, USA, England, madagascar, andasibe, CNRS, IRD, PRAM, UAG, solignac, gros, lode, queneherve">
<META NAME="dc.keywords" CONTENT="Pascal, Mege, PhD, Ph.D., thesis, coral, reefs, genetics, resume, cv, DEA, personal, professional, graduate, student, website, webpage, indri, codakia, orbicularis, meloidogyne, martinique, guadeloupe, USA, England, madagascar, andasibe, CNRS, IRD, PRAM, UAG, solignac, gros, lode, queneherve">
<META NAME="reply-to" content="">
<META NAME="abstract" CONTENT="Pascal Mege site, graduate student in tropical environment willing to start Ph.D preferencially involving coral reefs.
Motivation, cv/resume, pictures and favorite links.">
<meta name="language" content="en"...
seulement lorsque je vérifie avec un contrôleur de méta-tags ils ne les trouvent pas, sauf un TITLE nommé " '+' " (voir suite). De plus j'observe en regardant la source directement par l'URL qu'un script a été ajouté en avant de mes balises HEAD:"
<code><script language="javascript">
myreg=new RegExp("lycos\.fr","i");
if ( !myreg.test("'"+top.location+"'") ) {
nwreg=new RegExp ("http://([^/]+)?(/([a-z0-9A-Z\-\_]+)?[^']+)","i");
if (parent.frames.length==2) { top.location="http://" + rn[1] + rn[2]; }
else { top.location="http://" + rn[1] + "/" + rn[3]; }
if(window == {
var address=window.location;
var s='<html><head><title>'+'</title></head>'+
'<frameset cols="*,140" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0" onload="return true;" onunload="return true;">'+
'<frame src="'+address+'?" name="memberPage" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" noresize>'+
'<frame src="'+escape(address)+'&gg_bg=&gg_template=&mkw=&cat=job.job" name="LycosAdFrame" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" noresize>'+
kes ke c ke ce bordouille??
merci de me répondre si vous connaissez la réponse!!