- · Niveau : AVANCÉ
- · Compatibilité : Windows NT/2000 IIS3
Validates email addresses for valid characters. Also compares IP email addresses to make sure they are not any of the assigned private network ip addresses.
Function IsEmail(ByRef asString)
Dim lsDomain
Dim lsSubDomain
Dim lsSubDomainArray
Dim lbIsIPdomain
Dim lnStart
Dim lsUserName
Dim lnOctect
Dim lnOctect2
Dim lnIndex
’ Must have at least 6 characters ""a@a.ru""
If Len(asString) < 6 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
’ Look for ""@"" delimiter
If Not InStr(asString, ""@"") > 1 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
’ Make sure characters exist after the ""@""
If Len(asString) = InStr(asString, ""@"") Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
’ Grab domain information ""a.ru""
lsDomain = UCase(Mid(asString, InStr(asString, ""@"") + 1))
’ Grab username information
lsUserName = UCase(Left(asString, InStr(asString, ""@"") - 1))
’ Make sure at least 1 ""."" exists
If InStr(lsDomain, ""."") = 0 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
’ Check for valid domain characters
lnStart = 1
Do While lnStart <= Len(lsDomain)
If InStr(lsDOMAIN_CHARACTERS, Mid(lsDomain, lnStart, 1)) Then
lnStart = lnStart + 1
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
’ Split domains
lsSubDomainArray = Split(lsDomain, ""."")
lbIsIPdomain = False
’ Loop through each domain
For lnIndex = 0 To UBound(lsSubDomainArray, 1)
lsSubDomain = lsSubDomainArray(lnIndex)
If Len(lsSubDomain) = 0 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
’ Check to see if the domain is an IP Address
If lnIndex = 0 Then
If IsNumeric(lsSubDomain) Then
’ Only IP Addresses can have only numbers in subdomain area
lbIsIPDomain = True
’ Make sure 4 subdomains are present
If Not UBound(lsSubDomainArray, 1) = 3 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
If lbIsIPDomain Then
If Len(lsSubDomain) > 3 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
ElseIf Not InStr(lsSubDomain, ""-"") = 0 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(lsSubDomain)Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
lnOctect = CInt(lsSubDomain)
If lnOctect > 255 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
ElseIf lnOctect < 0 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
’ Look for private network settings
If lnIndex = 0 Then
’ Grab 2nd IP value
lnOctect2 = lsSubDomainArray(1)
If Len(lnOctect2) > 3 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(lnOctect2)Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
lnOctect2 = CInt(lnOctect2)
’ TCP/IP addresses reserved for ’private’ networks are:
’ to
’ to
’ to
Select Case lnOctect
Case 10 ’ Private Network
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
Case 172
If lnOctect2 => 16 And lnOctect2 =< 31 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
Case 192 ’ Local Network
If lnOctect2 = 168 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
Case 127 ’ Local Machine
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End Select
End If
’ End ’private’ network check
If lnIndex = UBound(lsSubDomainArray, 1) Then
’ Last domain can have 3 characters max
If Len(lsSubDomain) > 3 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
ElseIf Not InStr(lsSubDomain, ""-"") = 0 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
’ Domain, sub domain can only have 22 characters max
If Len(lsSubDomain) > 22 Then
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
’ Check for valid characters in username
lnStart = 1
Do While lnStart <= Len(lsUserName)
If InStr(lsDOMAIN_CHARACTERS, Mid(lsUserName, lnStart, 1)) Then
lnStart = lnStart + 1
IsEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
IsEmail = True
End Function